
All 学生s must apply for graduation, 不管他们是否计划参加毕业典礼. Submitting an application for graduation initiates the official review of your records, notation of your graduation to your transcripts, 还有你的学位排序, 文凭, 和/或证书.




You must successfully complete all program requirements with a minimum 2.平均成绩为0分,才能被考虑从学院毕业. 您可以通过访问esservices帐户中的学位审计报告(DARS)来查看您的毕业进度(选择学术记录), 学位审核).


要获得mg电子试玩app的所有副学士学位,你必须至少获得15个学分. 获得文凭或证书所需学分的三分之一必须在学院获得.


您将有五年的时间来完成在您第一次注册时生效的目录条款下的工作. You must have been in attendance during the catalog year selected. 如果你花了五年以上的时间来完成你的毕业要求, 你可以按照毕业前5年有效的目录学习.

If you have a break in attendance for one year or longer, 我们鼓励你与学生档案办公室讨论你的教育计划,以确定你可以申请哪些目录,哪些目录对你最有利.

To ensure you graduate with up-to-date skills, technical credits are valid for five years or have a five-year “lifespan.“这包括用于特定技术方案要求的转让技术学分. Technical courses that are beyond the five-year limit may be accepted, 视货币而定, 相关性, and your current work experience.


All outstanding matters concerning 学费, 财政援助义务, 图书馆的书, and/or any other school indebtedness must be resolved, in order to participate in 毕业典礼 and to receive your degree, 文凭, 和/或证书. 请登录您的eServices帐户查看此类保留(选择课程) & Registration, then Check Registration Holds).


如果你在mg电子试玩app就读期间从联邦学生贷款项目借款, 你必须在最后一个学期完成退出贷款咨询. Questions about the Counseling requirement should be directed to 金融援助 在1300房间.


大学政策的例外情况将通过书面申诉程序处理. Appeals should be submitted to mg电子试玩app 在1300房间 and must include:

  1. 你上诉的性质
  2. 适当的文档





第一步(强制性): 申请毕业生

Due Date to Submit 毕业申请:

  • Fall Semester 2024: Friday, October 25, 2024
  • Spring Semester 2025: Friday, February 28, 2025
  • Summer Semester 2025: 周四, 3月27日, 2025


步骤2: Register to Participate in the 毕业典礼.

参加毕业典礼的报名将于2025年春季开始. 所有想要参加毕业典礼的毕业生必须参加毕业报名活动的一个环节:

  • 周四, 3月27日, 2025 from 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 6:00pm OR Tuesday, 4月1日, 2025 from 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 6:00pm
  • 地点:1510房间
  • 学生 unable to come to campus on these dates should email 学生.life@garytipton.com

Who is eligible to participate in the 2025 毕业典礼?

2024年秋季毕业的学生已申请并将于2025年春季和夏季毕业,并报名参加3月27日或4月1日的毕业报名活动之一. 学生 unable to come to campus on these dates should email 学生.life@garytipton.com.

Due to strict guidelines from our vendors, 在4月4日前未登记参加的学生将没有资格参加颁奖典礼.

How do I register to participate in the 毕业典礼?

符合条件的毕业生必须参加毕业报名活动,登记参加毕业典礼. 毕业 Sign-Up Events allow Fall 2024, 2025年春季, and Summer 2025 graduates to verify their 学生 records, complete exit loan counseling if needed, 与就业服务处会面, and register for the 毕业典礼. 工作人员将协助毕业生订购毕业典礼的帽子和礼服,并提供有关毕业典礼的重要信息. Please be sure to bring a valid ID with you.

2025 毕业 Sign-Up Event Details:
周四, 3月27日, 2025, OR Tuesday, 4月1日, 2025
9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 6:00pm

学生 unable to come to campus on these dates should email 学生.life@garytipton.com. Due to strict guidelines from our vendors, 在4月4日前未登记参加的学生将没有资格参加颁奖典礼.

Do I need to participate in the 毕业典礼 to receive my award?

No, 你不需要参加颁奖典礼来接受你的学位/文凭/证书.

  • Fall 2024 Graduates – will be mailed in February
  • 2025年春季 Graduates – will be mailed in July/August
  • Summer 2025 Graduates – will be mailed in September

How do I access my 圣保罗书院 学生 email address?

请致电或 给帮助台发邮件 if you need assistance accessing your email address.


参加毕业典礼的学生将免费获得他们的徽章. This includes the 圣保罗书院 graduation gown, 帽, 流苏, and any honors regalia they qualify for. 为了确保你的徽章,一定要参加毕业注册活动. 毕业生将于毕业典礼当晚在罗伊·威尔金斯礼堂领取这些物品.

*选择不参加毕业典礼并有兴趣单独购买这些物品的毕业生可以联系 学生.life@garytipton.com 了解更多信息.



Additional information about this process can be found here.

What do I need to do if I have a library or 学费 hold on my account?

请登录您的 eServices帐户 付款. Questions about 学费 holds can be directed to 学费.office@garytipton.com.

Can we take pictures on the grounds at the campus?

是的,这样做是可以的. 请务必按照州和联邦指导方针的规定采取适当的社交距离措施.

How do I get a letter to invite my family overseas to celebrate with me?

希望收到信件的毕业生必须通过电子邮件发送给学生记录办公室 学生.records@garytipton.com and allow up to 3 business days for a response.


  • Student/Graduate TechID or StarID
  • Student/Graduate First and last name
  • Full First and last name of the family member(s) and their relationship to the Student/Graduate (for example; mother, 父亲, 妹妹, 哥哥, 祖父母, 等.)

Department-specific questions

If you have any questions about the graduation process, please reach out to the appropriate department:

advising@garytipton.com or 在这里预约

  • Assistance reviewing your Degree Audit Report (DARS)
  • Answer questions meeting your program requirements
  • Assistance with summer registration and course information
  • 审查转学学分


  • Answer questions related to your 毕业 Application
    • Fall 2024 Deadline to Submit Application is October 25, 2024
    • 2025年春季 Deadline to Submit Application is February 28, 2025
    • Summer 2025 Deadline to Submit Application is 3月27日, 2025
  • 你是否符合2024年秋季、2025年春季或2025年夏季毕业的所有项目要求?
    • 申请毕业生 (please only submit one graduation application per degree).
  • 毕业证书将邮寄到您在毕业申请表上填写的地址:
    • Fall 2024 Graduates: mailed in February
    • 2025年春季 Graduates: will mail in July/August
    • Summer 2025 Graduates: will mail in September


  • Assistance with exit loan counseling
  • Respond to questions about financial aid


  • 提供有关毕业典礼和学生徽章的信息.


  • Help you with your job search via virtual appointments, JobsOnline求职板, and the Job Hunt Action Planner. 拨打651.846.1384 to schedule an appointment, or sign up via your Navigate account.
  • If you have started or accepted a job related to your program/major, or are continuing your education, please tell us about it here.



All 学生s must apply for graduation, 不管他们是否计划参加毕业典礼. 提交毕业申请会启动对你的记录的正式审查, notation of your graduation to your transcripts, 还有你的学位排序, 文凭, 和/或证书.

在你申请毕业之前, 检查你的DARS(学位审计报告),以确保你已经满足或正在满足所有的项目要求. You may access your DARS by logging into eServices, 选择学习成绩, and then Degree Audit Report.

  1. 如果你的DARS上有问题/不完整的地方,或者你对满足项目要求有疑问, contact your pathway advisor before applying to graduate.
  2. 如果你正在使用其他机构的转学分来满足毕业要求, 你有责任确保这些机构在申请毕业之前将正式成绩单寄给学生记录办公室.

Due Date to Submit 毕业申请

  • Fall Semester 2024: October 25, 2024
  • Spring Semester 2025: February 28, 2025
  • Summer Term 2025: 3月27日, 2025

申请毕业后: 您的记录将被审查,毕业状态电子邮件将发送到您的毕业申请上提供的地址.

  1. 如果你按时毕业,你的电子邮件将包括参加的信息 毕业典礼 (每年五月举行).
  2. If you are not on schedule to graduate, your email will highlight the requirements you are lacking to graduate. 强烈建议您与您的课程指导老师会面,讨论缺乏的要求.